Osteopathic Consultations

An Osteopathic and Vibrational Medicine Perspective

Chronic Lyme Disease


Acute Lyme infections are often much easier to diagnose and treat compared to chronic Lyme infections. In an acute situation, a person finds a tick on the body, may or may not identify a bull’s eye rash, visits a doctor who may order a blood test (which may or may not come back positive) and puts the patient on doxycycline antibiotic for one month.  The symptoms and infection, usually, (but not always), resolve.

Chronic Lyme infection is much more complicated and confusing to both diagnose and treat.  Ticks carry multiple forms of the Lyme bacteria (Borrelia) as well as other co-infections, such as Bartonella, Babesia, Mycoplasma, Ehrlichia, etc.  They also carry viruses, molds, parasites, all of which can produce significant symptoms and disabilities.  Lab tests are not accurate and cannot identify all of the pathogens related to the infection.  This makes it extremely difficult to develop an effective treatment regimen.


     Mainstream Medical Community

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) now recognizes that Lyme disease is a bigger problem than originally thought; earlier estimates of 30,000 new cases per year, has been increased to 300,000+ cases.  Most physicians do not believe that chronic Lyme disease exists.  The Infectious Disease Society of America, (IDSA) believes symptoms are due to Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome, (PTLDS), meaning the body is reacting “after-the-fact” similar to an autoimmune disease. These doctors tend to treat symptomatically with perhaps pain medications, anti-inflammatories, antidepressants, or a short term antibiotic.

     Lyme Literate Medical Community

Lyme literate physicians usually follow the International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS) guidelines.  They run additional blood tests which may or may not be positive. The diagnosis is made clinically, primarily based on the symptoms.  Multiple antibiotics, anti-fungal’s as well as anti-parasitics are prescribed for extended periods of time.  IV antibiotics may be used to avoid gastrointestinal problems.

     Functional Medicine Community

Functional medicine practitioners try to restore normal function to the body so the body can better fight the infection.  Tests are run to determine how the GI system, immune system, hormonal system etc. are functioning.  Vitamins, minerals, and herbs are used to help correct dysfunction in the body.  (Several herbs are available that are antibacterial and antiviral such as cats claw and banderol.)

     Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine practitioners may work to restore normal energy flow using modalities such as acupuncture, homeopathy, vibrational therapies, etc.


All of these approaches have validity and can result in symptom improvement.  Combining approaches, (as exemplified in Osteopathic and Vibrational Medicine) will often result in greater symptom resolution.


As a chronic Lyme patient, I worked with all of the above practitioners at one time or another trying to diagnose and treat my chronically worsening symptoms.  A primary care physician ran tests to rule out other medical conditions such as hypothyroid, adrenal depletion, cardiac and GI problems.  An integrative medicine physician tried IV detoxification and a few antibiotics as well as nutritional supplements.  A homeopathic practitioner recommended homeopathic remedies. A Lyme Literate physician prescribed multiple antibiotic therapy.  I was very discouraged with the lack of progress.  It was only when I was evaluated electrodermally that the causative factors started to emerge and the treatments became evident and successful.

All of this was an excellent learning experience for me.  It became very clear that the Osteopathic Philosophy, which I have followed with my patients for chronic musculoskeletal problems, (see Osteopathic Medicine Section), very much applied in the case of chronic Lyme disease.  The body can heal itself, if the blockages are identified and corrected. The body can then unlock its “drugstore” (see Osteopathic Section).  The Vibrational Medicine approach also became clear as I learned how a Bioenergetic and Nutritional Assessment can check hundreds of energy balances or imbalances in the time that I could check 2 or 3 using inherent rhythmic testing (see Vibrational Medicine Section).

Using an Osteopathic and Vibrational approach to determine the underlying causes or “roots” of the problem, and identifying the layers of blockages, the “layers of the onion” can then be released.


Of all the electrodermal devices evaluated, I was particularly drawn to the Qest4 as it appeared to offer the most advanced capabilities for identifying the broadest range of energetic imbalances as well as providing the most complete identification of appropriate remedies, supplements, and herbs.

     Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment

Once the energetic imbalances, the causative factors, and the appropriate remedies are identified, Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment, (ODT), is performed to begin the releasing process.  This is helpful in four basic ways:

  1. Eliminates structural imbalances that affect the nerves and tissues of the body.
  2. Treats restrictions in the organs of the body to enhance normal organ function.
  3. Treats energy blockages affecting overall energy flow through the body.
  4. Confirms the appropriate remedies through inherent rhythm testing.