Osteopathic Consultations

An Osteopathic and Vibrational Medicine Perspective


Consultations are based on the osteopathic and vibrational medicine philosophies and techniques as presented in previous sections. Consultations may be for one visit, a short series of visits to address a particular problem, or episodic visits to help maintain physical, energetic, and spiritual balance.

New patient consultations are typically 1-2 hours, depending on the complexity, and consist of history, evaluation (including structural and energetic), diagnosis, treatment, recommendations, and counseling/education. With complicated chronic medical histories, a Bioenergetic and Nutritional Assessment, (BENA), may be recommended.

Please wear loose fitting clothing.

Follow up consultations are typically ½ hour and consist of updated history, reevaluation, diagnosis, recommendations, Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment, and counseling/education. A follow up BENA if necessary will require additional time.

Consultation fees are collected at the time of service. You will receive a superbill which may be submitted to your insurance company. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE NOT MEDICARE PROVIDERS WHICH MEANS YOU MAY NOT SUBMIT A BILL TO MEDICARE.

If you would like to make an appointment or wish to learn more about our practice, please call the office at (207) 423 3429.

Our primary office is located at 3293 Fruitville Rd, Suite 103-104, Sarasota Florida 34237. 


Dr. File is located in the Acupuncture Office of Dr. Luo

From I-75 North or South take exit 210, (Fruitville Road)

Travel West on Fruitville for 3.3 Miles (you will Pass Beneva Road)

When you see Bayside Community Church on your Right, we are the next Right.

Fruitville Business Park   Suite 103-104 is to your Right.